Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gaming Strategies in the Technology of an Organization

An interesting article found on the Forbes website discusses the introduction of gaming to organizations and its benefits:

Incorporating gaming technology into an enterprise is becoming very effective. An interesting idea discussed in the article is the relationship between gaming and human performance. This can lead to increased productivity through web-based technology and gaming strategies that have become part of many enterprises.

In terms of business impact, gaming strategies are significant within marketing performance. The author discusses a campaign created by Audubon (an organization promoting the conservation of wildlife and ecosystems) to engage web users in a scavenger hunt by exploring several sites in exchange for prizes. The use of gaming strategies on the web is an effective advertisement for businesses because it can be exposed to everyone on the internet. The fact that a campaign like Audubon’s can turn what people do on the web into an adventure is a unique innovation showing the flexibility gaming technology has to change an environment. 

Gaming technology affects businesses internally. Introducing a gaming strategy within a company is a way to engage employees to be more productive. It allows them to retain information better. In many school business programs, students are required to play the “Business Strategy Game” in which they run an imaginary business simulated online. This gives students an idea of the impacts of their decisions in running a business. It relates to the author’s message of gaming technology. Business and human performance improves with the involvement of gaming technology. Similarly, when students enter the workforce after playing a simulated game, they are more prepared to contribute to the success of a business.

1 comment:

  1. Probably one of the more interesting blogs i have read. because everyone else is writing about smartphones. The only problem with creating a gaming strategy within a business is keeping the game entertaining and competitive. To improve the performance of a person, nothing beats experience. With the use of gaming technology, there will be no heavy repercussions and their employees will keep themselves sharp while gaining more experience through digitally applying themselves to their company.
